Commission Regulation EC No 260/98 of 30 January 1998 amending both Regulation EC No 1445/95 on rules of application for import and export licences in the beef and veal sector and Regulations EC No 589/96, EC No 935/97, EC No 936/97, EC No 995/97, EC No 996/97, EC No 1006/97, EC No 1042/97, EC No 1376/97, EC No 1939/97 and EC No 1940/97 - 0 rezultatov (0.1 sekunde)

Nobeno geslo ne ustreza poizvedbi "Commission Regulation EC No 260/98 of 30 January 1998 amending both Regulation EC No 1445/95 on rules of application for import and export licences in the beef and veal sector and Regulations EC No 589/96, EC No 935/97, EC No 936/97, EC No 995/97, EC No 996/97, EC No 1006/97, EC No 1042/97, EC No 1376/97, EC No 1939/97 and EC No 1940/97".

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