Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en accretion, adapter, appendix, approach, arrangement of an equation, assessment, attachment, attempt, batch, carrier, catch, charge, charging stock, collar, cost estimate, crust, dog, driver, end, entry, estimate, extension, formulation, hub, ice cream mix, insertion, joining piece, lengthening part, lip, lug, making-up, mix, mixing, neck, nipple, nose, point, projection, rate, reported amount, rest, rim, scaffolding, scull, set off, set-up, setting up, shoulder, sign, spring line, starting point, statement, step, stock, stud, tappet, tongue, valuation, wash er-faced portion, washer face
en battery terminal, binding post, block terminal, cable clamp, clamp lug, clamp terminal, clamp, clamping part, connecting clip, connecting terminal, connection terminal, connector, contact terminal, feeder clamp, feeder clip, junction terminal, lug, machine terminal, set of supplements, supply terminal, term, terminal block, terminal clamp, terminal clip, terminal for accessories, terminal post, terminal the connector, terminal, wiring terminal
en U-bolt, extension spring eye, eye, lifting eye, lifting lug, lug, mounting lug, suspension eye, suspension loop, suspension lug