Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
abgestumpfter Kegel
en frustrum of cone top part, frustrum of cone, truncated cone lower part, truncated cone
en barren rock, by-product in mining, cap mass, cap rock, cap, cover, earth, excavated material, mine spoil, overburden rock, overburden, overlay, overlying rock, refuse, rubbish, rubble, shelf, spoil, stripping, strippings, top layer, top soil, trash, waste material, waste
en to balance, to be finished off, to bring into occlusion, to bring to a close, to close, to close in, to close up, to come to a close, to complete, to conclude, to do the books, to effect, to end, to finalize, to finish, to finish off, to lock, to lock up, to make, to make up, to obstruct, to occlude, to place, to round off, to seal, to seal off, to seclude, to separate, to settle, to shroud, to shut, to shut off, to sign, to stop up, to take out, to terminate, to top up, to transact