Iskani niz je bil najden v IZTOČNICAH:
Pravilnik o razpisu za vpis in izvedbi vpisa v višje strokovno izobraževanje
en Rules on Pre-Enrolment and Implementation of Enrolment to Vocational Colleges
Pravilnik o razvidu visokošolskih zavodov
en Rules on the Register of Higher Education Institutions
Pravilnik o registru izvajalcev laboratorijske medicine
en Rules on the Register of the performers of laboratory medicine
Pravilnik o registru izvajalcev v dejavnosti zdravstvene in babiške nege
en Rules on the Register of the performers in the field of health and midwife nursing
Pravilnik o sestavi komisij za preverjanje in potrjevanje nacionalnih poklicnih kvalifikacij ter o načinu in postopku za pridobitev in izgubo licence
en Rules on Composition of the Commissions for the Assessment and Verification of National Professional Qualifications and on Method and Procedure to Grant and Withdraw the Licence
Pravilnik o skrbi za razvoj in učenje slovenščine v višjih strokovnih šolah
en Rules on the Care for Development and Learning of the Slovene Language in Vocational Colleges
Pravilnik o smeri in stopnji izobrazbe predavateljev višje strokovne šole in drugih strokovnih delavcev v višješolskem programu višjega strokovnega izobraževanja
en Rules on the Field and Level of Education of Vocational College Lectures and Other Professional Workers in the Higher Vocational Study Programme
Pravilnik o smeri in stopnji izobrazbe učiteljev in drugih strokovnih delavcev v izobraževalnem programu poklicno-tehniškega izobraževanja
en Rules defining the field and level of education of teachers and other professional staff in vocational and technical education programme
Pravilnik o smeri in stopnji izobrazbe vzgojiteljev in drugih strokovnih delavcev v domovih za učence in dijaških domovih
en Rules defining the type and level of degrees required for educators and other professionals in dormitories for basic and upper secondary school students