Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en DW rim, double drop center wide base rim, double wide base rim
Draht in der Mitte
en center conductor, center core, central wire, inner conductor, middle conductor
en axis gyration, axis of gyration, axis of motion, axis of revolution, axis of rotation, axis of symmetry, center of rotation, center of rotationvapour, centre of rotation, fulcrum, hinge, moment axis, pivot beam, pivot, rotary axis, rotation axis, rotation coordinate, rotational axis, shaft, slewing axis, spin axis, spindle, swing axis, swivelling axis, symmetry axis, tilting beam
en center post, center postvapour, centre post, circle swing assembly, circle swing assemblyvapour, multi-port swivel, rotary feed through unit, rotary feedthrough unit, rotary inlet, rotary joint, rotary oil distributor, rotary transmission, rotary union, rotating union, rotation joint