Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en center-bore grinding machine, centre hole grinder, centre hole grinding machine, centre-bore grinding machine
en back of lathe centre, centre, dead center, dead centre, machine-tool center, work-holding center, work-holding centre
en center-grinding machine, centre-grinding machine
en center punching, center-punch mark, centre punching, centre-punch mark, coal sizing, dotting mark, grade, grading, grain size distribution, grain size, grain, graininess, graining, grains, granularity, granulation, granule size, granulometric composition of soil, grit size, grit, mechanical composition of soil, mechanical/granulometric composition of soil, mineral grain, particle size distibution, particle size distribution, particle size, particle-size composition, size of coal, size, soil fabric, soil texture, texture
en center of mass of a body, centre of gravity, centre of mass of a body