Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en sealant material, sealant, sealer, sealing material agent, water repelling agent, waterproofing agent
en dress, face, lathe face, machine down, remove material by machining, remove material by turning, skim, slacken, switch off, to desurface, to dress, to face, to loosen a screw, to machine down, to peel off, to remove material by machining, to remove material by turning, to skim, to slacken, to switch off, to trim, to true, to turn down, to turn off gas, to turn off, to turn on the lathe, to turn out, to turn, to turning off, to twist off, to unfasten, to unscrew, to veerw, to wrench, to wring off, trim, turn down, turn off gas, turn off, turn on the lathe, turn out, turn, turning off, twist off, unscrew, wring off
en break from party, by-product, chip, chipping, chippings, chips, clipping, combing waste, commercial waste, compacted waste, cull, cutting, cuttings, debris, decay, decline, declivity, decrease, descending, descent, desertion, deterioration, diminution, dip, discard, downward incline, downward slant, downward slope, drawdown, droop, drop off, drop-off, drop-out, drop, fall off, fall-off, fall, falling off, falling-off, filter slope, garbage, hazardous waste, incline, junk, leavings, litter, loss, parings, pitch, radioactive waste, refuse, rejects, release, releasing, residual waste, residue, roll off, roll-off, rubbish, scarp, scrap, slop, slope, spoilage, swarf, tail, tailings, toxic waste, trash, urban waste, wastage, waste material, waste materials, waste matter, waste product, waste rubbish, waste
en garbage collection, garbage disposal, refuse collection, refuse disposal, rubbish collection, solid waste disposal, tailings disposal, waste collection, waste disposal, waste management, waste material management, waste recycling and disposal, waste removal
en sewage, waste material, waste product, waste substance, waste
en after-taste, aftertaste, branch feeder unit, cancellation, circuit, decease, decline, decrease, departure, dirt, discard, discharge, dismount, dispatch, disposition, divestiture, drop cable, effluent, end-taste, escape of gases, escape, evaporation loss, exit, feeder, finish, flux, going off, gradual repayment, items disposed of, junction, leaving, load circuit, loss, market, miscarriage, outflow, outgoing branch circuit, outgoing circuit, outgoing feeder, outgoing section, outgoing unit, outlet, output, outward movement, passage, passing away, passing, reduction, refuse, repayment, retirement from, retirement, sailing, sale, separation, tailing, tailings, tap off facility, tap off, tap-off, tee, ullage, waste material, waste