Iskani niz je bil najden v DRUGI VSEBINI:
Odredba o normativih in standardih v dvojezičnih srednjih šolah in srednjih šolah z italijanskim učnim jezikom
en Ministerial Order on the Norms and Standards in Bilingual Secondary Schools and Secondary Schools with Italian as the Language of Instruction
Odredba o normativih in standardih v osnovnih šolah
en Ministerial Order on the Norms and Standards in Elementary Schools
Odredba o normativih in standardih v poklicnih in strokovnih šolah
en Ministerial Order on the Norms and Standards in Secondary Vocational and Technical Schools
Odredba o normativih in standardih v splošnih in strokovnih gimnazijah
en Ministerial Order on the Norms and Standards in Gimnazije of General Orientation and with Specialisation
Odredba o normativih in standardih za vzgojo in izobraževanje otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami
en Ministerial Order on the Norms and Standards for Education of Children and Young People with Special Needs
Odredba o pogojih za ustanavljanje javnih vrtcev
en Ministerial Order on Conditions for Establishment of Public Pre-school Institutions
Odredba o postopnem uvajanju Kurikula za vrtce
en Order on the gradual introduction of the curriculum for nursery school