Iskani niz je bil najden v DRUGI VSEBINI:
Pravilnik o normativih in kadrovskih pogojih za opravljanje dejavnosti predšolske vzgoje
en Rules on Norms and Personnel Requirements for the Performance of Pre-school Education Activity
Pravilnik o normativih in minimalnih tehničnih pogojih za prostor in opremo vrtca
en Rules on Norms and Minimal Technical Conditions for Place and Equipment in Pre-school Institution
Pravilnik o normativih in standardih ter elementih za sistemizacijo delovnih mest, ki so podlaga za organizacijo in financiranje prilagojenih programov 9-letne osnovne šole iz državnega proračuna v osnovnih šolah s prilagojenim programom ...
en Rules on standards and criteria as well as the elements for position classification underpinning organisation and budgetary financing of adapted 9-year elementary school curricula in elementary schools with adapted curricula and educational institutions f
Pravilnik o normativih in standardih v dvojezični srednji šoli
en Rules on Criteria and Standards for Bi-lingual Upper Secondary Schools
Pravilnik o normativih in standardih v srednjih šolah z italijanskim učnim jezikom
en Rules on Criteria and Standards for Upper Secondary Schools Delivering Instruction in Italian Language
Pravilnik o normativih in standardih za izvajanje gimnazijskih programov
en Rules on Criteria and Standards for the Delivery of Gimnazija Programmes
Pravilnik o normativih in standardih za izvajanje izobraževalnih programov za pridobitev poklicne in srednje strokovne izobrazbe
en Rules on Criteria and Standards for the Delivery of Education Programmes Leading to Upper Secondary Vocational and Technical Educational Qualifications
Pravilnik o normativih in standardih za izvajanje programa glasbene šole
en Rules on the Norms and Standards for Performing the Programme of Music Schools
Pravilnik o normativih in standardih za izvajanje programa osnovne šole
en Rules on the Norms and Standards for Performing the Programme of Basic School
Pravilnik o normativih in standardih za izvajanje programa osnovne šole v dvojezičnih osnovnih šolah z italijanskim učnim jezikom
en Rules on Norms and Standards for the Implementation of the Basic School Programme in Bi-lingual Basic Schools and Basic Schools with Italian as Teaching Language