Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en annulling, applying, applying by brush, applying by brushing, bowing, brush-coating, brushing, brushing past, brushing-on, brush-painting, buttering, cancelling, cancelling out, carding, coating, course, crossing off, crossing out, cutting, decreasing, deleting, erasing, hauling down, knife-coating, lowering, molding (AmE), moulding (BrE), painting, passing, passing one’s hand over, purging, putting, putting on, remitting, removing, rubbing, scrapping off, scudding, slating, smearing, spreading, striking, stroking, sweeping, trend, trending, wafting, wiping out, withdrawing, writing off
en to annul, to apply, to apply by brush, to apply by brushing, to bow, to brush, to brush on, to brush past, to brush-coat, to brush-paint, to butter, to cancel, to cancel out, to coat, to cross off, to cross out, to cut, to decrease, to delete, to erase, to haul down, to knife-coat, to lower, to mould (BrE), to mold (AmE), to paint, to pass, to pass one's hand over, to purge, to put, to put on, to remit, to remove, to rub, to scrape off, to scud, to slate, to smear, to spread, to strike, to stroke, to sweep, to trend, to waft, to wipe out, to withdraw, to write off