Iskani niz je bil najden v DRUGI VSEBINI:
Pravilnik o pogojih, ki jih mora izpolnjevati zavod za izvajanje praktičnega pouka dijakov zdravstvenih šol in študentov visokošolskih zavodov za podelitev naziva učni zavod
en Rules on the requirements to be met by health institutions providing practical clinical instruction of pupils attending secondary schools and of students attending advanced educational institutions in order to be awarded the title educational institution
Pravilnik o pogojih, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati zdravstveni zavodi in zasebni zdravstveni delavci za izvajanje programov specializacij
en Rules on the conditions which health institutions and private health workers need to fulfil for performing programmes of specialisations
Pravilnik o pogojih, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati zdravstveni zavodi za izvajanje praktičnega pouka dijakov srednjih šol in študentov visokošolskih zavodov in za podelitev naziva učni zavod
en Rules on the requirements to be met by health institutions providing practical clinical instruction of pupils attending secondary schools and of students attending advanced educational institutions in order to be awarded the title educational institution
Pravilnik o pogojih, ki jim morajo izpolnjevati zdravstveni zavodi in zasebne ordinacije za izvajanje programov pripravništva, sekundarijata in specializacij zdravnikov in zobozdravnikov
en Rules on requirements to be met by health care organizations and private entities carrying out internship and secondment curricula, and specializations of physicians and dentists
Pravilnik o pogojih za izvajanje knjižnične dejavnosti kot javne službe
en Rules on conditions for providing library services as a public service
Pravilnik o pogojih za izvajanje programov izobraževanja, usposabljanja, vadbe varne vožnje in skupinskih delavnic ter izdaji dovoljenj za izvajanje programov
en Rules on the conditions carrying out programmes of training, safe driving practice and group workshops and on the issuing of permits to carry out programmes
Pravilnik o pogojih za ustanavljanje javnih osnovnih šol, javnih osnovnih šol in zavodov za vzgojo in izobraževanje otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami ter javnih glasbenih šol
en Rules on Requirements for the Establishment of Public Basic Schools, Public Basic Schools and Educational Institutions for Children and Youth with Special Needs, and Public Music Schools
Pravilnik o poklicni maturi
en Rules on the Vocational Matura Examination