Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en bind, castrate, cure, frame of cement, frame, harden, hydrate, join, lace, loosen, remove by chemical combination, remove, set hard, skein, tie off, tie, to bind, to bond, to castrate, to cure, to frame of cement, to frame, to harden, to hydrate, to interlace, to join, to lace, to ligature, to loosen, to remove by chemical combination, to remove, to set hard, to set up, to set, to skein, to tie off, to tie, to unbind, to undo, to untie, unbind, untie
en ablation, arc erosion, burn-off, burn-out, burn-up fraction, burn-up, burning off, burning, calcination, calcine, cinder, combustion, consumption, depletion, electrode consumption, evaporation during melting, fire loss, flash-off, flashing, furnace loss, loss by burning, loss of contact material, loss, melting loss by oxidation, melting loss, oxidizing loss, roasted material, roasted ore, roasting residue, scale loss, scaling loss, smelting loss, solids combustion, volatilization during melting, waste in forging
en Bleistift to break, Bleistiftspitze) broken off, Gebäude to demolish, Lager to break, abandon, bomb, break away, break off, break up, break, chip off, cut off, cut-off, deduct break off, demolish, discontinue, dont make such a fuss, etw von etw abbrechen to break sth off sth, interrupt, kill, leave off, pull down, quit, raze, remove, sever, sich (dat) einen abbrechen (inf) (= Umstände machen) to make heavy weather of it (Brit inf), stop, tear down, terminate abnormally, terminate, to abandon, to abort, to bomb, to break (off), to break away, to break off ones studies, to break off, to break up, to break, to breakaway, to bust ones butt (US sl), to bust ones butt, to bust one’s butt, to call off, to cancel, to chip off, to cut off, to cut short, to deduct break off, to demolish, to demount, to disassemble, to discontinue, to dismantle, to go to a lot of bother, to interrupt, to kill, to leave off, to make a fuss about it, to pull down, to pull or tear down Zelt, to pull or tear down, ...