Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en air arc, arc air, away, blaze off, burn away, burn off, burn up, burn-up, burn, calcine, cauterize, cut autogenously, cut, defiagrate, deflagrate, dip, distil off, down, erode, finish firing ceram, finish firing, fire off, flash off, melt off, miss fire, pickle, scorch, scour, sear, singe, temper, to air arc, to arc air, to away, to blaze off, to bum off, to bum up, to burn away the scrub on, to burn away the stubble in, to burn away, to burn down, to burn off the scrub on , to burn off the stubble , to burn off, to burn up, to burn-up, to burn, to calcine, to cauterize, to cut autogenously, to cut, to deflagrate, to dip, to distil off, to down, to erode, to finish firing, to fire off, to flame-cut, to flash off, to gas-cut, to let off, to melt off, to miss fire, to pickle, to scorch, to scour, to sear, to singe, to temper, to torch cut, to torch-cut, torch cut
en blazing off, burning off, burning up fuel, burning up, burning, flame clean, flame cleaning, flashing
en abend, abnormal termination, abort, aborting, abortion, betont, breach, break up, break, breakage, breakdown, breaking off, breaking, cancel, chain breakage, chain termination, damage, debris, demolishing, demolition, demounting, discontinuance, discontinuation, dismantling, foundering, fragment, harm, interruption, kill, program abort, pulling down, rupture, scour, severance, stop, stoppage, stopping, termination, truncation, wrecking