Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en calk, caulk, cement, grout, lute, make tight, pack, proof, provide glands, puddle, seal hermetically, seal, stop up, stuff, tighten, to Me, to block off, to calk, to caulk, to cement, to close, to coffer, to grout, to lute, to make leak-proof, to make leakproof, to make tight, to obturate, to pack, to plug, to proof, to provide glands, to puddle, to seal hermetically, to seal off, to seal up, to seal, to stop a leak, to stop up, to stuff, to tighten, to waterproof, waterproof
en calking, caulking, closing, gate, luting, puddling, sealing off, sealing, stop, stopping up, waterproofing
en dry thoroly, dry up, parch, roast, to dry thoroughly, to dry up, to kiln-dry, to parch, to roast
en to cart off, to close down, to coast down, to collect, to cover, to cut off, to deactivate, to depart, to egress, to follow, to go, to go over, to haul away, to leave, to move, to patrol, to pull out, to remove, to run, to sail, to scan, to set off, to set sail (for …), to sever, to shut down, to ski down, to start, to start out, to stop, to sweep, to take away, to start for take off, to take out of service, to trace, to travel, to travel through, to use up, to wear down, to wear out
en brace, buffer, capture, catch, collect, flatten out, hold, intercept, recover, resist, secure, shore up, stay, strut, support, tap molten metal, tap, timber, to absorb, to brace, to buffer, to capture, to catch, to collect, to counteract, to flatten out, to hold, to intercept, to prop up, to prop, to pull up, to recover, to resist, to secure, to shore up, to shore, to stay, to strut, to support, to tap molten metal, to tap, to timber, to trap, to under stay, to underpin, to underprop, trap, under stay, underprop
en assemble, bend iron, bend, border, catch, combine, compile, compose, construct, draw up, edge, formulate, frame, issue, prepare, seize, to assemble, to bend iron, to bend, to border, to catch, to combine, to compile, to compose, to construct, to draw up, to edge, to formulate, to frame, to issue, to prepare, to seize, to word, to write, word, write