Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en compensate, indemnify, pay off, put up with, put up, reach an agreement, reckon with, reckon, satisfy, settle, to compensate, to indemnify, to pay off, to put up with, to put up, to reach an agreement, to reckon with, to reckon, to satisfy, to settle
en align, line out, mark out, range out, to align, to line out, to line up, to mark out, to range out, uno out
en abolish, answer, call up, call, cancel, challenge, check back, check out, elicit by questions, elicit, enquire, inquire, interrogate, liquidate, poll, query, question, request, revoke, sample, scan, sea through, sea, sense, strobe, supersede, to abolish, to answer, to call up, to call, to cancel, to challenge, to check back, to check out, to elicit by questions, to elicit, to enquire, to inquire, to interrogate, to liquidate, to poll, to query, to question, to quiz someone on, to recall, to request, to retrieve, to revoke, to sample, to scan, to sea through, to sea, to sense, to strobe, to supersede, to test someone on
en consume, corrode off, corrode, eat away, eat up, remove by caustics, remove by causties, to consume, to corrode off, to corrode, to eat away, to eat up, to prune back, to remove by caustics
en tune-up decal, tune-up label, vehicle emission control information
en exhaust gas purification, exhaust gas treatment, exhaust pollution reduction, exhaust treatment, flue gas cleaning, flue-gas clean-up, flue-gas cleaning, fume precipitation, off gas treatment, waste gas cleaning, waste gas purification, waste gas treatment
en exhaust emission control system, exhaust gas cleaning plant, exhaust gas purification system, flue gas cleaning plant, flue gas clean-up system, flue gas purification equipment, flue gas purification plant, gas clean-up unit, pollutant control equipment, waste gas cleaning plant, waste gas purification plant
en act as, deliver, emit, generate, give off, hand in, hand over, issue, occupy oneself, output, part with, quote, release, relinquish, serve as, supply, to act as, to be, to cast, to cede, to concede, to deliver a shoot, to deliver a shot, to deliver, to dissipate, to donate, to emit, to evolve, to generate, to give away, to give off, to give up, to give, to hand in, to hand over, to issue, to liberate, to lose, to make, to occupy oneself, to output, to part with, to pass, to provide, to quote, to radiate, to reject, to release, to relinquish, to secrete, to sell, to serve as, to shed, to submit, to supply, to surrender, to tender, to transfer, to yield, yield