Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en to ablactate, to be deposited, to break off, to buck, to cancel, to cast away, to cast off, to cast, to chuck, to clear out of, to collect, to come off, to compose, to contrast, to cut back, to de-levitate, to decant, to deduct, to depose, to deposit, to discontinue, to dismiss, to distribute, to drop off, to drop someone at, to drop, to dump, to emit, to generate, to get out of, to go off, to interrupt, to issue, to joddle-join, to joddle, to joggle, to lay down, to lay off, to lift, to lower, to make recessed, to market, to offset, to pile, to plot, to precipitate, to process, to pull ahead, to push off, to put down, to put in-type depose, to put in-type, to relocate, to remove offset, to remove, to sale, to sediment, to sell, to send a message, to send an alert, to send, to set against, to set down, to set in type, to set off, to set up in type, to set up, to set, to settle down, to settle out, to settle, to shape course for, to shoulder, to spoil, to stack, to start a new line, t...
en absorb, occlude, take up, to absorb, to imbibe, to occlude, to soak up, to take up
en to absorb, to imbibe, to soak up, to suck in, to suck up; to occlude; to absorb, to consume; to engage, to occupy, to engross