Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en negative scanning shift, pick-up, positive scanning shift, sampler, scanner, scanning device, scanning shift, sensing apparatus
en calliper, check measure with feeler gauge, check with feeler gauge, check, detect, explore, feel, hunt, pick-up, probe, read off, read, sample, scan over, scan through, search, sense, strobe, sweep, to calliper, to check measure with feeler gauge, to check with feeler gauge, to check, to detect, to explore, to feel, to follow, to hunt, to machine-read, to measure with feeler gauge, to pick-up, to probe, to read off, to read, to register, to sample, to scan over, to scan through, to scan, to search, to sense, to strobe, to sweep, to touch, to trace, to track, touch, trace, track
en Scanner, detector, feeler, pick-up head, pick-up, playback head, probe, reader, reproducing head, sampler device, sampler, sampling element, scanning unit, sensor, stylus, tracer
en pick-up rate, pick-up velocity, sampling frequency, sampling rate, scan rate, scanning rate, scanning speed, sensing rate, sweep rate, sweep speed, sweep velocity, velocity of scanning speed, velocity of scanning
en pick-up head, probe, read head, reading head, scan head, scanner head, scanning head, scanning unit, sensing head, sensor head, sensor
en needle, pick-up needle, recording needle, reproducing stylus tip, stylus tip, stylus