Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en assign, cede, convey, to abandon, to assign, to cede, to convey, to give up, to hand over, to surrender, to transfer, transfer
en fold down, fold up, to fold down, to fold up, to turn down, to turn up, turn down, turn up
en complete, deal with, decoil, liquidate, pay off, process, rectify, reel off, roll out, settle, take off, to complete, to coordinate, to de-coil, to deal with, to decoil, to develop, to execute, to handle, to liquidate, to manage, to pay off, to perform, to process, to rectify, to reel off, to roll out, to run off, to settle, to take off, to trans act, to transact, to uncoil, to unreel, to unroll, to unwind, to unwrap, to wind off, to wind up, trans act, uncoil, unroll, unwind, unwrap, wind off, wind up
en back office processing, business transaction, carrying out, computer processing, conduct, course, developed map, developed view, development, execution, feed stand, follow up, girth, handling, liquidation, management, on schedule processing, operation, pay off stand, pay-off unit, procedure, process, processing, rolling, settlement, supply stand, take off stand, termination, to take off stand, transaction, true length, uncoiling, unwind unit, unwinder, unwinding station, unwinding, winding up, winding-up, windup