Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en reaction, start-up performance, starting characteristics, starting performance, transient behaviour
en start-up process, starting cycle, starting process, starting up process
en accelerating time, acceleration time, actuating time, build-up time, building up time, implementation period, initial slope time, lead time, reaction time, response time, rise time, run in time, run up period, run up time, run-up time, running in period, running up time, set up time, start time, start-up time, starting period, starting time, starting up period, starting up time, transient period, transition time, warm-up phase, warm-up time, warm-uptime, warming up time
en call, give the ring, phone, ring up, to call, to give the ring, to phone, to ring up, to ring
en to aim, to apply, to be applied, to berth, to connect, to construct, to contact, to create, to dock, to establish, to feed, to generate, to get in, to go alongside, to highlight, to impress, to install, to invest, to lay down, to lay on, to lay out, to line up, to moor, to piece, to place, to plan, to point, to power devices, to power, to put against, to put on the fire, to put on, to set up, to sight, to spend, to spread, to start the file, to start, to stockpile, to structure, to take aim, to wharf