Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en attach, fix, install, mount on, mount, to adjust, to affix, to aim at, to allocate, to apply, to arrange, to attach, to bed in, to bed, to constitute, to enter, to establish, to fasten, to fit up, to fit, to fix in position, to fix on, to fix onto, to fix, to house, to incorporate, to install, to locate, to modify, to mount on, to mount, to place, to position, to provide, to put in, to put, to range, to restore, to set up for use, to set up, to set, to settle, to shove up, to sign on, to site, to stick up, to tune, to wage
sl prevzeti,
en pick up,
sl prevzeti,
en pick up,
en to abide, to absorb, to accede, to accept, to acquire, to adopt, to agree, to allow, to approve, to assume, to believe sth of sb, to book, to carry, to contract, to fall, to fancy, to grant, to level, to pass, to pick up, to presume, to put on, to receive, to seize, to submit, to take, to take on, to take up
en to arrange, to arranging, to configure, to decree, to direct, to dispose, to give decision, to group, to instruct, to lay out, to line up, to locate, to mount, to order someone to do something, to order, to place, to position, to prescribe, to provide, to put in order, to range, to rule, to set out in groups, to set out, to site, to sort out, to sort, to space, to tabulate
en alignment, allocation, arrangement, array, assemblage, assembly, bank, classification, configuration, constellation, court order, design, direction, directive, disposition, formation, graph, grouping of atoms, grouping, instruction, layout, line-up, location, mixed phase layout, order (ord.), ordinance, ordination, pattern, placement, plan, position, ranking, regulation, rule, ruling, scheme, set-up mounting, set-up, structure, structuring, system
en to acclimate, to acclimatize, to accommodate, to actualize, to adapt, to adjust, to align, to assimilate, to be fitted on, to bring into conformity, to bring into line with, to bring up-to-date, to coapt, to condition, to conform, to correct, to customize, to cut fit, to fit on, to fit to, to gear for, to harmonize, to interface, to key, to line up, to make current, to make fit, to make topical, to match with, to match, to mate, to modify, to modulate, to pair, to proportion, to refresh, to scale, to suit to, to suit, to tailor, to tie in with, to trim, to update