Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en accretion, aggradation, alluvial deposits, alluviation, deposit, precoat, silting-up, silting, warp
en build-up time, response time, rise time, step response time, up period
en to add, to adjust, to affix, to aim at, to allocate, to apply, to apply to, to appoint, to arrange, to assess, to assign, to attach, to be deposited, to become covered, to become encrusted, to bed, to bed in, to begin, to bring in, to calculate, to carry, to charge, to come forth, to constitute, to develop, to enter, to establish, to estimate, to fasten, to fit, to fit up, to fix, to fix in position, to fix on, to fix onto, to form, to formulate, to get fatter, to house, to incorporate, to incubate, to initiate, to insert, to install, to join, to locate, to make, to make a start, to make the start, to make up, to mix, to mix up, to modify, to mount, to mount on, to piece up the broken end, to place, to place in position, to position, to prepare, to produce, to provide, to put, to put forth, to put in, to put on, to put on weight, to put out, to put to, to put to one’s lips, to put up, to quote, to range, to report, to restore, to scale, to schedule, to set, to set in, to set up, to s...