Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en latent time, operate delay, operate lag, pick-up delay, response delay, response lag, slow operating, switch in delay, switch-in delay
en actuation value, minimum operating value, on threshold, operate value for time relays, operate value relay, operate value, operating value, pick-up value, resolution sensitivity, responding value, response level, response value, sensitiveness, spark over value, spark-over value, switching value, threshold of operation, threshold value, tripping value
en answering time, attack time, blow time, buikJ-up time, closing time, dwell time, initial delay time, instrument response time, melting time, opening time, operate time, operating time, pick time, pick-up time, pick-uptime, prearcing time, reaction time, response time of the thermostatic switch, response time, settling time, time of response, time stable closed condition, time to spark over, time to spark-over, time to stable closed condition, transit time
en access, set up, start-up, start, to access, to set up, to start-up, to start
en burning, firing-up, pile curing, precunng, precuring, prevulcanizaticn, scorching, setting-up, tin curing
Anspruch erheben
en raise the claim, to advance a claim, to claim, to lay a claim, to prefer a claim, to put forward a claim, to raise a claim, to set up a claim, to vindicate a claim