Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en edit, rework, to catch up on, to catch up with, to clear off, to clear, to digest, to do up, to edit, to furbish up, to furbish, to incorporate critically, to prepare, to process, to reappraise, to recondition, to refurbish, to reprocess, to rework, to touch up, to work off, to work up, work up
en downstream processing, preparation, reconditioning, recycling, refurbishment, regeneration, reprocessing, reservicing, work up, working up
en anabolism, architecture, arrangement, array, assemblage, assembling, assembly, blanket scum, body shell, body, bodywork, build-up, build, building up, building-up, building, coachwork, compilation, composition, configuration, constitution, construction, constructional design, design configuration, design layout, design, enqueuing, erection, establishment, extension of the building vertical, extension, format, group, hierarchy, installation, lay out, layout, mounting, organisation way of arranging, organisation, organization, package, pattern, platform, raising, reconstruction, rehabilitation, reorganization, rigging-up, scene, set-up, set, setting-up, setup, structure, super structure, super-structure, superstruction, superstructure, surface mounting, synthesis, system, unit, wiring