Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
Aufbau der Selbsterregung
en build-up of seif-excitation, build-up of self-excitation, build-up of self-excited field
Aufbau des Kabels
en cable build-up, cable design, cable make up, construction of the cable, design of the cable
Aufbau des Raumladungsbereiches
en build-up of the space charge region, build-up of the space-charge region
en assemble, build up, build-up, build, construct, erect, establish, generate, grad. build, handbuild, install, mount, organize, position, rebuild, set up, setup, structure, synthesize, to activate, to add on, to add, to arrange, to assemble, to base on, to base, to build on, to build up, to build-up, to build, to construct, to develop, to erect, to establish, to found, to generate, to hand-build, to install, to lay out, to mount, to organize, to pile, to piling-up, to place, to position, to post, to produce, to promote, to put together, to put up, to rebuild, to reconstruct, to rig up, to rig, to set out, to set up, to set, to setup, to structure, to synthesize, to take up position