Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en call ask to do something, call into action, call up, call, enable, enter, invoke, poll, prompt, request, select, to ask to do something, to call into action, to call out, to call up, to call upon, to call, to contact, to cue, to enable, to enter, to initiate, to invite, to invoke, to poll, to prompt, to request, to select
en approximate, bring up to the round figure, half adjust, half-adjust, halfust, round off to next higher number, round off up, round off, to approximate, to bring up to the round figure, to half-adjust, to round off to next higher number, to round off up, to round off, to round up, to round
en half correction, round up, rounding up, rounding-off upward, rounding-up