Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en ascend, mount, rise, to ascend, to be promoted, to climb, to get on, to mount, to pitch upward, to ramp up, to rise
en allocate, arrange, assemble, combine, compile, compose, construct, dispose, draw up, erect, establish, fit up, fit, frame, install, itemize, mount, nominate, pitch, position, range, set up, set, setup, situate, station, to allocate, to arrange, to assemble, to bring into line, to combine, to compile, to compose, to construct, to dispose, to draw up, to erect, to establish, to fit up, to fit, to fix on, to fix onto, to fix to, to fix, to formulate, to frame, to install, to itemize, to lift, to line up, to locate, to mount, to nominate, to pitch, to place, to position, to post, to prepare, to prop up, to put up, to range, to rig up, to rig, to scaffold, to set up, to set, to setup, to site, to situate, to station