Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en emerge, surface, to appear, to arise | arose | arisen, to break surface, to emerge, to surface, to turn up
en apportion, break up, distribute, divide, frame, partition, segment, separate, share divide among, share, split up, split, subdivide, to allocate, to apportion, to break up, to classify, to distribute, to divide, to frame, to partition, to segment, to separate, to share divide among, to share, to spirt up, to split up, to split, to sub-classify, to sub-divide, to subdivide
en adjustment, allocation, apportionment, breakdown, classification, cut to size, distribution, division, functional assignment, grouping, layout rooms, partition, partitioning, sectioning, segmentation, sharing, split throw winding, split, splitting up, splitting, stock allocation