Iskani niz je bil najden v DRUGI VSEBINI:
Sklepi Strokovnega sveta RS za splošno izobraževanje o potrditvi učnih gradiv z dne 18. maja 2006 in 22. junija 2006
en Decisions of the Council of the Republic of Slovenia for General Education of 18 May 2006 and 22 June 2006 on the approval of teaching material
Sklep o določitvi kadrovskih pogojev za učitelje in sodelavce - laborante v programih srednjih in osnovnih šol
en Ruling of the Council of Experts of the Republic of Slovenia for Education on the Specification of Staffing Requirements for Teachers and Laboratory Assistants in the Programmes of Secondary and Elementary Schools
Sklep o imenovanju članov Sveta Fundacije za financiranje športnih organizacij v Republiki Sloveniji
en Decision appointing the members of the Council of the Foundation for the funding of sports organisations in the Republic of Slovenia
Sklep o javni veljavnosti prilagojenega izobraževalnega programa waldorfske osnovne šole z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom
en Decision on official recognition of the adapted educational programme of Waldorf Basic School with a lower educational standard
Sklep o merilih za postavitev javne mreže višjih strokovnih šol
en Decision on Criteria for Distribution of Network of Public Higher Vocational Colleges
Sklep o normativih in standardih za opravljanje izobraževalne dejavnosti v višjem in visokem šolstvu
en Order on the Norms and Standards of College and Higher Education
Sklep o pogojih za pridobitev in preizkus strokovnih znanj, potrebnih za opravljanje nalog pooblaščenega aktuarja
en Decision on the terms and conditions for acquisition and testing of specialised knowledge required for licensed actuaries