Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en draw up, ensure, guarantee, keep ready, make available, make ready for use, prepare, stage, to draw up, to earmar, to ensure, to get ready, to guarantee, to have ready, to hold in readiness, to keep readily at hand, to keep ready, to make available, to make ready for use, to place at disposal, to prepare, to provide, to put on standby, to set apart, to set aside, to stage, to supply, to warrant, warrant
Bereitstellplatz Ein-/Auslagerung
en I/O station, P&D station, P/D station, pick & deposit station, pick-up & dispatch station
Bereitstellplatz Einlagerung
en input station, pick-up extension, pick-up station, pick-up
en adjust, amend, clear up, correct, correcting, emend, re-adjust, rectify, reset, reust, revise, set right, settle, to adjust, to amend, to clear up, to correct, to emend, to re-adjust, to readjust, to rectify, to reset, to reust, to revise, to set right, to settle