Iskani niz je bil najden v DRUGI VSEBINI:
Uredba o enotni metodologiji in obrazcih za obračun in izplačilo plač v javnem sektorju
en Rules on the methodology for the transfer and analysis of the salaries data in the public sector
Uredba o izobešanju zastave Republike Slovenije v osnovnih in srednjih šolah
en Regulations on Hosting the Flag of the Republic of Slovenia in Educational Institutions
Uredba o izobrazbi, ki jo morajo imeti zaposleni za vodenje in odločanje v upravnem postopku in o strokovnem izpitu iz upravnega postopka
en Decree on the education requirements for employees to head and decide in the framework of administrative procedure and on the professional examination on general administrative procedure
Uredba o izvajanju odločbe Komisije o ukrepih, ki prepovedujejo dajanje na trg nekaterih igrač in predmetov za nego otrok
en Decree on the implementation of the Commission Decision adopting measures prohibiting the placing on the market of certain toys and childcare articles
Uredba o javnem financiranju visokošolskih in drugih zavodov, članic univerz, od leta 2004 do leta 2010
en Decree on budgetary financing of higher education and other university member institutions from 2004 till 2008
Uredba o merilih za oblikovanje javne mreže osnovnih šol, javne mreže osnovnih šol in zavodov za vzgojo in izobraževanje otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami ter javne mreže glasbenih šol
en Decree on Criteria for setting up a Public Network of Basic Schools, Basic Schools and Educational Institutions for Children and Youth with Special Needs, and Music Schools