Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
12-polige Steckverbindung
en 12 channel plug and socket connection, 12-channel plug and socket connection
en calk, caulk, cement, grout, lute, make tight, pack, proof, provide glands, puddle, seal hermetically, seal, stop up, stuff, tighten, to Me, to block off, to calk, to caulk, to cement, to close, to coffer, to grout, to lute, to make leak-proof, to make leakproof, to make tight, to obturate, to pack, to plug, to proof, to provide glands, to puddle, to seal hermetically, to seal off, to seal up, to seal, to stop a leak, to stop up, to stuff, to tighten, to waterproof, waterproof