(glagol) en give not a shit, give not a fuck, give not a jack, care not, give not a damn, be all the same to, hurt, ache, hurt, pain de spucken auf, tun weh sq dhemb hr boljeti, boljeti
en to ache, to ail, to hurt, to pain
en to ache, to hurt*; to hurt*
(glagol) sl boleti de tun weh sq dhemb hr boljeti
sl boleti; hrepeneti
sl 1. bolečina; hrepenenje2. boleti; hrepeneti
(glagol) sl boleti en hurt, ache, pain de tun weh sq dhemb
(glagol) sl boleti en hurt, ache de tun weh hr boljeti
(glagol) sl jebati se, boleti, vseeno, mar ne, brigati ne, brigati ne nič, požvižgati se, brigati, mar, viseti dol de spucken auf
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