Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en carbine, connecting piece, connecting pipe, connecting sleeve, connection piece, connection, end box, end-fitting, fitting, footless hose, gland with pipe thread, gland, glass cylinder, inlet nozzle on valve, joining piece, muff, neck, nozzle, pipe connection, pipe end, pipe nozzle, pipe stubend, piping connection, port, pressure tap, pruning, short rifle, sleeve, socket, spout outlet, spout, standpipe, stub, topology of networks, trimming, union, woollen gaiter
en dip pipe, discharge tube, exit pipe, fork slider, immersion pipe, immersion tube, inner pipe, outer tube, outlet tube, plunge pipe, protective tube, thermowell, tubular guard
en connection, customer access, extension, subscriber line, subscriber station, subscriber’s outlet, subscriber’s station