Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en action, back taper, chronological events, completition, computer run, course, cycle, data/application flow, delivery, development, discharge, discharge course, discharge pipe, discharge point, distillation tails, drain, drainage, drainage channel, draining, draining away, draining or running away, effluent, effluent water, efflux, eluate, end, escape, evolution, execution, expiration, expiration of time, expiry, flight, floor drain, floor gully, floor inlet, flow, functional sequence, functioning, gully, gutter, issue, jet, job, lapse, lapse rotation, launch, launching, maturity, operating, operation, order of events, orifice, outflow, outgoing water, outlet, passing, pay off, procedure, proceedings, process, process flow, program run, progress, ramp, result, run, running off, runoff, run-off, runoff water, run-off water, schedule, schedule performance, sequence, sequence of events, sewer, sink, slope, step change mode, tailings, tails, tapered collar, termination, throat, timing, tr...
en accepting agent, accepting representative, acceptor, account, acquirer, buyer purchaser, buyer, catcher, client, collector, consumer, customer, doffer, outlet, pick-up, purchaser, shopper, sub-purchaser, subscriber, taker, user
Absatz (Abk. Abs.)
en article, bench, berm, berme, break, clause, deposit, deposition, fillet, heel (of the shoe), landing, ledge, market, marketing principle, offset wear and tear, offset, outlet, paragraph, passage, pause, recess, reduction, sale, sales department, sales quantity, sales, section, sediment, sedimentation, selling, set-off, shoulder, step, sub-section, terrace
en distribution area, market for the product, market outlet, market, marketing area, outlet, sales area, sales market, sales territory, trading area
en market of sale, market, marketplace, outlet, sales area, sales market, sales territory
en closing, concluding, conclusive, definite, dispatching, final, occlusal, outlet, terminal, trailing, terminating, ultimate
en air pipe, allowance, conduit, copy, cupboard, deduction, discharge, doff, doffing speed, doffing, drain, draw-off, draw-out, eduction, enlarged print, enlargement, escape, exhaust hood, exhaust, flue, fume cupboard, fume hood, haul off unit, haul off, haul-off system, hood, laboratory hood, orifice, outflow, outlet, pop up, print, proof, pull off, pull-off, reduction, removal, reproduction, storage dump, take off, take up, take-off equipment, to take off, to take up, trigger, vent