Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en market of sale, market, marketplace, outlet, sales area, sales market, sales territory
en closing, concluding, conclusive, definite, dispatching, final, occlusal, outlet, terminal, trailing, terminating, ultimate
en air pipe, allowance, conduit, copy, cupboard, deduction, discharge, doff, doffing speed, doffing, drain, draw-off, draw-out, eduction, enlarged print, enlargement, escape, exhaust hood, exhaust, flue, fume cupboard, fume hood, haul off unit, haul off, haul-off system, hood, laboratory hood, orifice, outflow, outlet, pop up, print, proof, pull off, pull-off, reduction, removal, reproduction, storage dump, take off, take up, take-off equipment, to take off, to take up, trigger, vent
en air vent pipe, discharge pipe, discharge tube, drain pipe, effluent pipe, exhaust duct, exhaust pipe, extract duct, flue pipe, fume pipe, outlet, vent p, vent pipe, vent stack, waste pipe, waste tube
en abutment, acquaintance, adapter, affiliation with, attachment connector, attachment, bonding, branch connection, cable port, cable, circuit, clamp, computer port, connected, connecting lead, connecting terminal termination, connecting, connection lead, connection, connector piece, connector, connexion, contact, coupling, cross appeal, end connection, end fitting, extension, flashing, follow-up, full penetration weld, hook-up, hookup, installation, interface for connecting external devices to a computer, interface, joining, joint, junction, lead, line, link, mains line, mains power supply line, mount, nipple, outlet, phone number, pin, plug-and-socket connection, plug-in connection, port connection, port on computer, port, service, socket adapter, splice, structural connection, supply line, supply, tag, telephone connection, telephone extension, term, terminal connection, terminal enclosure, terminal lead, terminal of the semiconductor device, terminal pin, terminal, termination, unio...
en connecting box, connection box, connection, connector box, contact box, coupler, distributing box, distribution box, jack, joint box, junction box, outlet box, outlet, socket, wall socket
en access point, central connection element, connecting point, connection pad, connection point, connection, contact pad, contact point, contact, exit, interchange, interface, mounting interface, mounting point, outlet, point of access, point of connection, port, tap, terminal device, terminal pad, terminal unit, terminal, trunk