Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en discharge drive, egress, emergence, emission, escape, exhaust, exit, leakage, leaving, orifice, outlet, output, probe index, vent
en burner mouth, exhaust port, exit aperture, exit opening, exit, orifice, outlet opening, outlet port, outlet, output aperture, output port, scan window, scanner window, spout, vent
en conduit, cooker hood, fume hood, hood, laboratory fume hood, outlet, pall of haze, vapour hood, vent outlet cowl, vent outlet hood, ventilating hood
en circulatory, discharge, effective flow characteristic, flow density, flow hole, flow rate, flow through, flow velocity, flow, flowing, flowrate, flux, inbank capacity, mass flux, outlet, passage, percolation, rate of flow, stream discharge, sub-critical flow, subcritical flow, supercritical flow, throat, through flow, throughput
en air transfer device, aqueduct, canopy drip, capacity diameter, conduit, culvert, inlet, leaf drip, opening, outlet, passage, port, throat, through flow, throughput, transmission, traversal, wicket