Iskani niz je bil najden v PREVODIH:
en attachment plug, clip connector, connecting plug, connection plug, connector plug, connector, plug
en blank off the hole, blank, closing, lock up, lock, plug the hole, plug trepan, plug, plugging, seal, sealing, shut, stopper
en belt catch, blank, blockage, bolt assembly, breech block, breech cover, breech, buckle, cap, catch, clasp, closing, closure, cover, emphraxis, end cap, fastener vertical, fastener, fastening, gate, interlocking, joint, lid, lock, locking device, locking mechanism, locking, obliteration, obstruction, obturation, occlusion, physical shutter, plug, plugging of trepans, seal, sealing, seat belt buckle, shutoff, shutter, shutting system drawer, slide, stop, stopper, top
en blanking plug, cell plug, closing plug, closure plug, core plugs, drain plug, end plug, fill plug, locking plug, pipe plug, plug, screw plug, seal plug, sealing plug, service fill plug, stopper, vent plug
en breech block, breech box, breech, cable sealing end, closure part, closure, end box, end part, lid, locking key, locking piece, operculum, plug, slide, stopper, stringer