risk sam.
1. verjetnost nastanka škode, ogroženost, izpostavljenost (škodam), tveganje žr. riziko
The premium is small for this protection because risk is small.
2. ZVT nevarnost, tveganje žr. riziko vzrok škode
The main risks insured against in a marine policy are stated in the »perils« clause.
3. ZVT nevarnostni objekt, tveganje žr. riziko predmet zavarovanja
4. ZVT zavarovana stvar žr. riziko
If the risk is located in a Special Flood Hazard area, the insured is required to carry Flood Insurance.
5. ŽVL zavarovanec
6. ZVT izpostavljenost (škodam), tveganje obseg mogoče finančne izgube
We will help you quantify risk using the most appropriate actuarial methods.
7. ZVT nevarnostna okoliščina, dejavnik tveganja, tveganje žr. riziko

to accept a risk ZVT prevzeti tveganje
to be at risk ZVT nositi tveganje
All D&O policies plainly state the maximum amount for which the insurer is at risk under the policy, including costs of defense.
to manage risk ZVT obvladovati tveganje
to reject a risk ZVT odkloniti tveganje
to spread risk ZVT razpršiti tveganje
The 24 pools we administer in 21 states are simple, safe and cost effective mechanisms that have been created to stabilize the marketplace by spreading the risk of adverse selection.
to underwrite risk ZVT prevzemati tveganja, sklepati zavarovanja
Federal law permits insurance companies to share information about losses in order for them to better underwrite risk and price their products competitive.
➞ to write risk
to write risk ZVT prevzemati tveganja, sklepati zavarovanja
The high prices encouraged an increase in the amount of capital willing to write risk.
➞ to underwrite risk
good/poor risk ZVT dobro/slabo tveganje
Our experience indicates that 20 percent of similar customers are poor risks, 50 percent are average risks, and 30 percent are good risks.

Vir: Angleško-slovenski slovar zavarovalništva - Helena Krašovec Smolnikar

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