abbauen verb; baut ab, hat/sit abgebaut; abzubauen abbauend
to analyse
to biodegrade
to break down
to break
to catabolize
to cut back
to cut down on
to cut
to decompose
to decrease
to degrade
to demount
to deplete stock
to detach
to deteriorate
to dig
to disassemble
to disintegrate
to dismantle
to dismount
to dissipate
to draw from
to excavate
to exploit
to extinguish
to extract
to flag
to get
to go downhill
to knock down
to lyse
to lyze
to mine
to quarry
to reduce the number of
to reduce
to relax
to relieve
to remove
to strike
to strip away
to strip down
to suppress
to take down
to trim
to weaken
to wilt
to win
to work out
to work
to workforce

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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