ablösen verb, löst ab - abgelöst / abzulösen, ablösend
to ablate
to amputate
to break away
to cash
to change
to change over
to change over to
to come loose
to come off
to commutate to
to commute
to compensate
to conclude
to confound
to confuse
to convert
to delaminate
to detach
to dislodge
to dissolve
to exchange
to flake off
to flash
to follow
to free
to frill
to get paid in a lump sum
to give way to
to interact
to lift off
to loosen
to muddle up
to pari
to pay
to pay in a lump sum
to pay off
to pay off in a lump sum
to peel
to peel off
to redeem
to relay
to release
to relieve
to relieve some of his duties
to remove
to renew
to replace
to scale off
to separate
to slab
to split off
to strip
to strip away
to strip off
to substitute
to supersede
to supply the place of
to swap
to switch
to take off
to take over from someone
to take someone’s place
to take the place of someone
to unbind