anpassen verb (passt an - passt an - hat angepasst - anpassend - anzupassen)
to acclimate
to acclimatize
to accommodate
to actualize
to adapt
to adjust
to align
to assimilate
to be fitted on
to bring into conformity
to bring into line with
to bring up-to-date
to coapt
to condition
to conform
to correct
to customize
to cut fit
to fit on
to fit to
to gear for
to harmonize
to interface
to key
to line up
to make current
to make fit
to make topical
to match with
to match
to mate
to modify
to modulate
to pair
to proportion
to refresh
to scale
to suit to
to suit
to tailor
to tie in with
to trim
to update

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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