befestigen verb; befestigt, hat/ist befestigt; zu befestigen, befestigend
to adjust
to affix
to aim at
to allocate
to anchor
to append
to apply
to arrange
to attach
to attack
to bed
to bed in
to bind
to bolt
to clamp
to clip
to cramp
to dog
to enter
to establish
to fasten
to fit
to fit up
to fix (on/onto/to)
to fix in position
to fixate
to fortify
to fortress
to hitch
to house
to incorporate
to install
to key
to key to
to locate
to lock in place
to make up
to modify
to moor
to mount
to mount on
to nail
to pave
to pin
to place
to position
to provide
to put
to put in
to range
to reinforce
to restore
to screw
to secure
to set
to set up
to set up for use
to settle
to shoulder
to shove up
to sign on
to site
to stabilise
to stabilize
to steady
to stick up
to strengthen
to surface
to tack
to tie
to tie up
to tighten
to truss
to tune
to wage

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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