durchführen verb; führt durch, durchgeführt; durchzuführen, durchführend
to accomplish
to administer
to administrate
to be carried out
to be in charge of
to boss
to build through
to carry out
to carry through
to carry through to its conclusion
to conduct
to control
to dig through
to do
to drive
to drive through
to effect
to enforce
to execute
to feed through
to fulfil (BrE)
to fulfill (AmE)
to give
to go through
to govern
to handle
to hold
to implement
to keep
to lay through
to lead through
to manage
to operate
to organize
to pass through
to perform
to practice
to proceed with
to prosecute
to push through
to put through
to realize
to regulate
to ride out
to rule
to run
to run through
to sail
to steer
to steer to
to sway
to take
to take through
to thread
to transact
to undertake

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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