streichen verb
to annul
to apply by brush
to apply by brushing
to apply
to bow
to brush on
to brush past
to brush-coat
to brush-paint
to brush
to butter
to cancel a call
to cancel out
to cancel the call
to cancel
to card
to coat
to cross off
to cross out
to cut
to decrease
to delete
to erase
to fill up with
to haul down
to knife-coat
to lower
to mould
to paint
to pass
to purge
to put on
to put
to remit
to remove
to rub
to scrape off
to scud
to slate
to smear
to spread
to strike
to stroke
to sweep
to trend
to waft
to withdraw
to write off

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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