zulassen verb (lässt zu - ließ zu - zugelassen)
to accredit
to admit
to admit of
to admit sb to
to allow
to approve
to authorise ‹BrE›
to authorize ‹AmE›
to call (to the bar) [Rechtsanwalt]
to certify
to enable
to endorse
to enfranchise
to enter [bei Auswahlkriterien, Wettbewerb: für die nächste Runde/Stufe ausgewählt werden]
to indorse
to keep closed [z. B. Tür]
to keep shut [z. B. Tür]
to leave closed [z. B. Tür]
to leave shut [z. B. Tür]
to let
to licence ‹AmE›
to license ‹BrE›
to make it possible
to permit
to qualify
to register
to tolerate

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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