Kamenitza f
kamenitza [GEOL. (Karst) Kamenitzas, solution basins or solution pans are closed depressions that develop on rock surfaces in karst regions formed by dissolution weathering. Usually they form on horizontal, or slightly inclined limestone pavements where water does not flow but collects into the small depressions. ]
solution basin [GEOL. (Karst) Kamenitzas, solution basins or solution pans are closed depressions that develop on rock surfaces in karst regions formed by dissolution weathering. Usually they form on horizontal, or slightly inclined limestone pavements where water does not flow but collects into the small depressions. ]
solution pan [GEOL. (Karst) Kamenitzas, solution basins or solution pans are closed depressions that develop on rock surfaces in karst regions formed by dissolution weathering. Usually they form on horizontal, or slightly inclined limestone pavements where water does not flow but collects into the small depressions. ]

Vir: Nemško-angleški slovar tehnike in naravoslovja - Tjaša Kuerpick

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