DEFINICIJA: način izvajanja številnih testov in iskanje statistike, ki presega prag statistične pomembnosti ter objava samo teh rezultatov,
DRUGO: Academy of Medical Sciences (2015). Reproducibility and Reliability of Biomedical research: improving research practice, Symposium report, October 2015, p. 20, https://acmedsci.ac.uk/viewFile/56314e40aac61.pdf
TERMIN: p-hacking
DEFINICIJA: the practice of running multiple tests, looking for a statistic that surpasses the threshold for statistical significance, and reporting only this
TERMIN: P-Hacking
DEFINICIJA: die Praxis, mehrere Tests durchzuführen, um eine Statistik zu suchen, die den Grenzwert für die statistische Signifikanz überschreitet und nur diese zu berichten