prebudíti♦ gl.
1. (zbuditi) to wake* (up); to awaken, to rouse form.
prebuditi (koga) iz (česa) [spanja/spanca, dremeža] to wake sb (up) from sth
2. (sprožiti) [občutek, spomin] to evoke; [zanimanje, radovednost, poželenje] to awaken, to arouse, to stir (up); [strah] to arouse
prebuditi se
1. (postati buden) to wake* (up); to awaken form.
prebuditi se iz (česa) [spanca/spanja, dremeža] to wake up from sth; [kome] to come out of sth; [narkoze] to come round from sth
2. (nastati) [zanimanje] to be* awakened; [strah, vest] to be* aroused