pri♦♦♦ predl.

(v bližini) at, by
pri vratih
- at the door
imeti (kaj) pri roki
to have sth handy / on hand

(o osebi/skupnosti) at
otroci so pri sosedu
- the children are at the neighbour's
živi pri starših
- he lives with his parents
pri nas se tega ne dobi
- you can't get that here

(o dejavnosti) with
pomagati pri [branju, pisanju]
to help with [reading, writing]
do napake je prišlo pri [gradnji, izdelavi]
the mistake occurred during [construction, production]
zmotiti (koga) pri jedi
to disturb sb while they are eating
pustiti (koga) pri miru
to leave sb alone / in peace

(o predmetu razprave)
pri srčnih bolnikih jemanje zdravila ni priporočljivo
- heart patients should not take this drug
ko smo že pri avtomobilih ...
- on the subject of cars ...

(o določeni starosti) at
v šolo je šla pri šestih letih
- she went to school at the age of six
pri priči right away, at once, immediately
pri zavesti conscious

Vir: Mali slovensko-angleški slovar - DZS d.d.

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