rávno♦♦♦ prisl.
1. (pravkar) right now; (nedolgo nazaj) just
ravno pelje na sprehod psa - right now he is walking his dog
ravno je prišel - he has just arrived
2. (natančno) exactly, precisely; (prav) just
ravno to želi amandma preprečiti - that is exactly what the amendment is trying to prevent
ravno nasprotno/obratno just the opposite
ravno tako [hiter, dober] just as
ravno zato for this/that exact reason
ravno pravšnji just right
ravno toliko exactly this much
3. (poudarjalno) exactly; (o nezadostni stopnji) too, very
niso ravno zastonj, so pa zelo poceni - they're not exactly free but they're very cheap
to ni ravno pogosto - that is not too often